This book was gripping and fantastic! It always gives me anxiety to read "end of the world" books, but the reality is that our economy or government may crash and our way of living could change, so I like to get ideas and feel more prepared after reading books like this.
"Life" is book 1 in this series and has a good ending but definitely leaves you wanting to read book 2. The characters and situations were very well written and I enjoyed the book immensely! I would consider this book to be clean (no language or sex), filled with drama, and some romance. I couldn't put it down and I am looking forward to reading book 2! I would highly recommend this book.
Read on below for more info about the book and author.
Her home. Her parents. Her freedom. Gone.
His dreams. His sister. Himself. Lost.
Two people.
One future.
The economy crashed, the country is floundering, and Carrie Ashworth struggles to keep her siblings alive. She has two jobs in her newly-formed, newly-outlawed clan: growing crops to feed thirty-six people, and keeping Oliver Simmons, their local patrolman, happy. Carrie’s life is almost content when Greg Pierce shows up. A man with the ambition to help them survive. A man determined to hate her.
When a government raid nearly wipes out their clan, Greg realizes the true reason behind their safety. Patrolman Simmons has fallen for Carrie. Greg takes it upon himself to give the socially-awkward patrolman what he wants. Only Carrie doesn’t like Greg throwing her in Simmon's path, especially when Greg’s brusque exterior melts, and she catches a glimpse of the real man underneath. Carrie is forced to choose: follow her heart or save her clan. Life won’t let her choose both.
Rebecca Lund Belliston is the author of the romantic suspense novel, SADIE, its sequel, AUGUSTINA, and a new trilogy, CITIZENS OF LOGAN POND. Besides writing fiction, she loves to compose music, teach piano, and read. She lives in Michigan with her husband and five children.
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The author Rebecca sent me some questions to answer for fun as part of the blog tour! Let me know what your answers would be to any or all of these questions.
1. What is one non-essential item you would keep? I would have to say my bible/scriptures. I would love to keep a family picture and chapstick if I had the choice for three things! ;-)
2. What responsibility would you have in a clan like this? It has to be something essential: food, clothing, or shelter related. Well I definitely wouldn't be the cook or gardener even though I'm sure I would have to learn. I kill plants and burn food. :-( I would be better at helping watch the kids, do chores like cleaning and laundry, teaching the kids school lessons. I not bad with building things so I could help with building shelters. Oh, and I could go hunting for food since I'm not bad with using a gun.
3. Would you have stayed in Logan Pond or moved back to a municipality? Why? This is a tough question. I wouldn't mind staying in an organized municipality because I don't mind structure and order and following rules even if I don't think they are fair. But if they were under the conditions as described in the book and people were dying and starving; I would take my chances going to Logan Pond. The weekly sweeps would be terrorizing though and constantly watching my back and protecting my family. If it was real like though, I would have to get use to it and do what I could to protect my family and keep us alive.
4. Which citizen are you? You can take the quiz at
You got Jeff

You are confident and speak your mind easily. For you, family comes first, and you'll do anything to keep them safe. Anything. Some people see you as a bully, mean even, but that's because they don't appreciate your bluntness or problem-solving abilities. Learn to listen to the other side before flying off the handle. It will help you avoid many confrontations.
Read more about Jeff Kovach in CITIZENS OF LOGAN POND by Rebecca Belliston
Read more about Jeff Kovach in CITIZENS OF LOGAN POND by Rebecca Belliston
YIKES! I can't believe I got Jeff!! LOL. I do agree that family comes first and I would do anything to keep them safe. I wouldn't say that I'm a bully though... hahaha.
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I received this book complimentary for blog and social media review from the author-all opinions are my own!
Thanks for that review, Rachel. I love what you have to say about the book. I also really enjoyed your answers to the questions, especially answer #3. Sorry about the 'bully' part of the Jeff response. I'm sure it's not true. In fact, I've gone back and tweaked his response a little, so ignore that part. :) Thanks again for the review!!! So glad you liked it.