I haven't read anything by this author and although this is book 3 in the Neighborhood Windy City series, it could also be read as a stand alone book.
The Jasper family is a family of 5 who are Godly, kind and overly busy! Throughout the book the mom struggles with every day balance and trying to get things done for her family, work, and church responsibilities.
It was a good reminder for me to not be so busy and that I need to prioritize my own life before my two boys get older. Just reading about Mrs Jasper's daily schedule made me anxious! LOL.
Some events towards the end of the book help Mr. and Mrs. Jasper prioritize their life and recognize God's help in their lives and struggles. I really enjoyed reading this book and will be making a trip to my local library to find more books by this author.
You can read about this book and series here:

The third in the Windy City Neighbors series, Penny Wise is a contemporary peek at an urban family wrestling with the spiritual and practical challenges of real life. The series employs the innovating storytelling technique of "parallel novels," each with its own drama and story arc, but whose characters' lives become intertwined with their neighbors and affect one another. Welcome to Beecham Street---a typical, isolated American neighborhood that is beginning to come out of its shell . . . for better or worse.

Find Neta and Dave online: website
I'm a blog book reviewer for LitFuse Publicity so I was given this book complimentary in exchange for an honest review on my blog and social media-all opinions are my own.
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