Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Turbofire day 1-90 pictures, my thoughts and product review!

I successfully completed 3 months of an intense high impact cardio program at home called TURBOFIRE!!

TurboFire® is the intense 90-day cardio conditioning program that will help you get leaner with exercises that burn up to 9x more fat and calories than regular cardio.
Getting started with your first TurboFire workout is easy.
In the included Fire Starter Class, Chalene Johnson shows you the right form for every move you'll make. To help you get up to speed, TurboFire also includes two low-impact (but intense) workouts. Then, it will keep you moving with more than 20 smoking-hot music remixes through all 12 fat-sizzling classes.
So forget the excuses. Forget the gym. Now the hottest fitness classes come to you.


About 2 years ago when I started my fitness journey, I did 30 days of the TurboJam dvd program which is made by Chalene Johnson. I love her!! She has such great positive energy!! My goal was to someday do TurboFire but I knew I needed to work up to it in order to have the stamina and ability and not get injured!!

I started the end of January and then joined the facebook TurboFire group called "Smokin hot in 90 days". Because I have been submitting my pictures I have now earned a TurboFire Water bottle!! When I submit my pictures to beachbody fitness I will also get a Turbofire Tank!! I can't wait!!!

I was very proud of myself that I didn't need to do any "new to class" options on the Turbfore dvds. The new to class option breaks the moves down slower and then gets back to the regular workout. It's like putting pause on the dvd, going thru the moves, then pressing play again. Because I've done 2 round of TurboJam, I was pretty familiar with the TurboFire moves-only they are more intense and longer workouts.

For the first 30 days, I did and felt awesome!! I wasn't sore, I got up every morning, DID NOT MISS A SINGLE WORKOUT ANY OF THE FIRST 30 DAYS!! That was HUGE for me!! There were some days that I was so tired that I didn't want to do my workout, but I had set a personal "prize" for myself that I would get if I completed the full 30 days exactly to the schedule and I did!! and then I weighed and measured myself. I did not lose anything. Nothing. I was sooooooo bummed!! I took my pictures and could see a little bit of progress in my stomach area but thats it.

Started month 2 very discouraged. Now keep in mind, I have't lost any weight in the last 6 months. Previous to this workout I did almost 4 months of Les Mills Body Pump. Didn't lose weight during the program but I lost inches and went from size 12 to 10. So I had high expectations starting the TurboFire program because I've been working up to doing it for at least a year, and I kept seeing amazing weight loss stories online. I've been trying to lose the same 3 pounds to get under 150 which would put me at "normal" weight for my height and my goal of 100 pounds lost since birth of baby number 2 almost three years ago.
So I totally slacked off in month 2 because I was so upset about lack of progress in month 1. I missed alot of workouts and I stopped doing the resistence band TF workouts because the band was irritating my neck. By the end of month 2, I felt terrible with myself for not putting 100% into my workouts. I actually gained inches back by NOT doing strength training and couldn't wear my size 10 jeans for about 2 weeks because they felt so tight. Again no weight loss for month 2.

Started month 3 with new determination to finish strong no matter what. I did miss a couple workouts but very few this time. I added the strength training back in, along with some family walks at the park a couple times a week. I lost the inches and was able to wear my jeans again. I cut back on my bread products and sugar. I continued to count my calories and log my food into "myfitnesspal".

So I finished up about 2 weeks ago, took picures and measurements to review my progress.
No weight loss or inches lost. seriously!! In 3 months how is that even possible??!?!!
In looking at my pictures, I can see more stomach definition but I feel like I lost some of my arm strength I got from doing Body Pump. I was SO tempted several times during this program to start dong supplement shakes or pills or something because I hate I haven't made any weight loss progress!! ARGH!! I did Love this program even though after 90 days I'm so sick of doing the same things over and over again!! I prefer 30 or 60 day programs. But I would definitely do Turbfore again but do a Body Pump Hybrid schedule with it so I get the intense cardio as well as weight listing.  My favorite TF dvd workouts are Fire 45 and Fire 55ez. I also have the advanced set that I will be trying in the next couple of weeks.

So I would give this workout and my experience a grade B.
I'm so proud of myself for starting and completing this intense 90 days program! I'm proud of myself that I stayed within 1600-1800 calories every day and logged my food. I'm proud of myself that I'm currently wearing size 8 capris (NEVER been in size 8 before, but still in size 10 jeans). And I'm proud of myself that I stuck with it even though I didn't see the results I expected.

This is the healthiest and most fit that I've ever been in my life. Yes, I still have more weight to lose and alot more toning before I'm really pleased with my body, but overall when I look at my weight loss journey since the summer of 2011 I'm really pleased with how strong physically and mentally I have become!!

So below are the dreaded pictures!!
Please excuse the day 60 pictures-my 11 year old son took them right when I got up that morning. ugh.

Oh-If you would like to check out more of my turbofire workout pictures/HRM pictures of calories burned, I posted collages almost every day on my Instagram account. (rdevaughn4)

Front pictures

Day 1 / 30

 Day 60/ 90

Side pictures

 Day 1 / 30

Day 60 / 90

Back pictures

Day 1 /30

Day 60 / 90

Side pictures

Day 1 /30

Day 60 / 90

Front pictures

Day 1 / 30

Day 60 /90

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